Supporting Partnerships
Working in partnership for partnerships
Supporting Partnerships is a dedicated advice and support service, developed by Beasley Associates Ltd and RGR (Ray Georgeson Resources Ltd), targeting those engaged in waste and resource management. The aim of the service is to provide bespoke guidance, advice, and direction to support local authorities working in partnership, maximising the potential for delivering real and accountable efficiency savings in waste management.
As council budgets tighten and the pressure to do ‘more with less’ becomes stronger in waste and resources management, the role and potential impact of waste partnerships in delivering the efficiencies required is becoming more significant. Although many waste partnerships have been in existence for some time, internal and external challenges and pressures have meant that most are not achieving their full potential and maximising the opportunities available.
Recognition of the barriers or challenges which waste partnerships face is paramount whether this is: problems with governance in terms of the lack of ‘power’ of the Partnership in decision making and the lack of accountability in existing governance structures and the fragility of those arrangements in the medium and long term; issues with resourcing and having the capacity to deliver change; sovereignty and political will; lack of Member and Officer commitment which can result in a lack of strategic input into the Partnership; poor direction and planning; lack of knowledge and awareness; lack of trust; or differences in services, systems and contracts.
Supporting Partnerships can help waste partnerships to move forward to deliver real and accountable efficiency savings through the provision of strategic and technical support in relation to: